Work With Me!

My Approach

My approach to coaching is one on one, high touch client work. When I work with you on a project it’s because I fell in love with the premise, characters, and concept and will dedicate an extensive amount of time and energy to push you to make your story the best it can be, even if it’s hard (because I want it out there just as much as you!) 

  • I am candid, honest, and open at all times
  • I am very thorough and highly detailed when giving feedback  
  • I am here to support you & I am going to push you in a very loving way (but I am going to push you!) 
  • I am more than happy to answer any questions! 
  • I am happy to do research related to your project 
  • I am flexible in regards to timing and scheduling, but will make sure you stay on track for your goals 


I work with:

Fiction Novels & Graphic Novels in these Genres


Historical Fiction

Speculative Fiction



Mythological Retellings

Contemporary romance

Or a combination! 

Please Note

I am also open to: 

self help books, historical research writing, DND Campaigns, short stories, and novellas. 

I am not open to:

 horror, thriller, erotica, nonfiction, poems, flash fiction, homework assignments, or school projects 

If you feel like your story is unique and doesn’t fit the mold feel free to reach out! I love seeing new and vibrant stories, and would love to hear about yours! If I can’t help you, I could still point you in the direction of a book coach who can!


Note: I am willing to work with you on payment options within your budget to make sure you get a lot out of book coaching with Amplify. Please reach out to me on my contact page if you want to work with me but are concerned about pricing. We can work together to find out what works best for you!

Starting a Brand New Book


This package is a foundational service that allows you to unite a new and exciting project with a highly detailed and organized outline, along with guidance on a direction to take your book that calls to you and the audience you intend to reach. 

What you will get: 

  • A detailed, thorough blueprint outlining the foundations for writing your book and assisting in the structure 
  • One on one phone calls discussing all the stages of the blueprint & next steps
  • Thorough edits on your blueprint 
  • Guidance on writing a detailed outline for your book that is consistent and works for the market
  • Deadline and time management 
  • Guidance on writing the first chapter of your book

Once the blueprint is completed, it will take me about a week to finish editing your pages and write an evaluation. Edits should take about the same time. Getting this package will give you clarity, a direction for your work, and a deep understanding of where you want to take your book. 

Two Chapter Edit

Minimum 20 pages ($60), Max 50 pages ($150)

What you will get: 

  • A thorough, detailed review of the first two chapters of your manuscript (up to the first 50 pages) 
  • An editorial letter discussing next steps in strengthening the crucial first chapters agents will be reading
  • One on one coaching on important elements like how to write a scene, story development, and how to hook readers in every step of the way   
  • One 40 minute phone call discussing the editorial letter and where to go next 

Depending on the page length, it will take me about a week to finish editing your pages and write an evaluation. Getting this package will give you a clear, concentrated understanding of what further needs to be developed in the manuscript as a whole, and guided, detailed action steps to start that process. 

Manuscript Package

Minimum 200 pages ($800)- Max 400 pages ($1600)

This package includes a full manuscript evaluation, an extremely detailed editorial letter, and a one to two hour in depth phone call going over the manuscript in its entirety. I offer methodical, thorough feedback and one on one coaching that will help support, encourage, and enforce deadline management and understanding on how to tackle your project even when we are no longer working together. 

What you will get: 

  • Detailed developmental in-line edits and comments on your manuscript focusing on the story wholistically with thorough, candid feedback on every page
  • An editorial letter broadening the perspective on the manuscript as a whole and actionable next steps for revisions. 
  • A one to two hour phone call with me discussing strengths, weaknesses, and any questions you might have regarding how to move forward with your manuscript. 
  • I will send you regular emails updating you on my progress while I read your work. You may send me emails asking questions as well. 
  • NOTE:  If you find that the manuscript is not what you would have liked it to be and want to work on revising it with coaching, let me know and we can work out an actionable plan with a new deadline and support!

Depending on the page length, it will take me about one month to finish editing your pages for you and write an evaluation. I will keep you updated on my progress and once everything is completed I will send you back an email with my detailed comments and the evaluation. We will schedule a subsequent phone call and discuss what is going on in your manuscript that we can work on effectively. Getting this package will shed light on where your manuscript has flaws and a clear, concise way forward for a thorough revision process. 


Create/Recreate Package


Ongoing coaching support designed to help you succeed and combat problems within a manuscript as you create it or rewrite it, whether it’s your second draft or your tenth. After an initial assessment, I will work with you on overhauling what needs to be fixed, and re-working the story in and out to make it best fit your vision. If you have written something and you feel that it needs a major overhaul, has plot holes, or you’ve tried to pitch but got constant rejections once you hit the manuscript assessment, or you’re on the way to creating something but want to avoid these problems along the way, this is a great package for you. 

What you will get: 

  • An initial assessment of where you’re at to see what’s working and what’s not
  • An actionable plan to tackle the creation or revision with a deadline that works for you and detailed follow through and check ins to hold you accountable 
  • Clear, concise, thorough feedback on every submission
  • One one-hour phone call and/or detailed instruction via email per week discussing next steps  
  • Email updates and questions answered within business hours. If I feel like your questions need more intense discussion, we can set up a call surrounding your questions. 

You will submit up to 20 revised pages to me per week, which I will read, comment on, edit, and send back to you with a small evaluation. We will schedule a subsequent phone call and discuss what we can work on. Then you will send me the revision and next chapters. The phone calls will be 30m-1hr long. After completing this package, you will have a finished first draft that you’re proud of, that works within the market you’re aiming for, and can edit on your own. Getting this package means saving years of frustration, mismanagement of time, and self doubt when it comes to writing a revision. 

Agenting Package


A three to four week coaching package based in redefining your query letter and synopsis, and getting clear on pitching to agents. This is designed for writers who are ready to pitch, but struggle with going through the process of looking through agents, preparing a good query letter and synopsis, and/or who are unsure their first ten pages will really grab an agent’s attention. I require an initial query letter and synopsis, along with the first ten pages of your book, just like an agent. If I find major issues with the first ten pages and do not believe you are ready to pitch, I will recommend you to look into my manuscript evaluation package, or my Create/Recreate coaching services.

What you will get: 

  • Multiple rounds of revisions with you on your query letter, synopsis, and first ten pages of your book to make it pitch ready. 
  • A spreadsheet of agents that you can pitch to within the area you’re working on (up to 30 agents in your field)  
  • I will help you pace yourself for agent submissions, and give tips on what rejection letters mean 
  • This package also comes with a built in support buffer, where if you get rejected, I can help you on discerning what the rejections mean and how to work on your project going forward so you have a better chance at success (up to 10 rejections) 

This will take about three to four weeks. One and a half for the query letter and synopsis, and one and a half to come up with the agents for the pitch process, a phone call discussing the pitch plan, and explanation of what rejections are good versus bad and what you should do when you get one. You will be able to email me if you get rejected, and I will respond within 72 hours unless during holidays, emergencies, etc). After working with me you will possess a solid query/synopsis letter, have an understanding of how to pitch to agents, and have a solid plan to pitch to them.

If you would like to work with me or have any questions:

Work With Me Services updated as of October 15th 2023