What is Book Coaching?

Book Coaching according to google: “A Book Coach is someone assists with the book writing process”

A general definition, to be sure, but a Book Coach is so much more than that. A Book Coach not only assists with the writing process, but also offers a wealth of information on marketing resources, gives detailed one on one guidance, is a cheerleader for your projects when doubt gets in the way, and can use a discerning eye for writing mistakes on a small and large scale. A Book Coach is also a great project manager, and when you’re taking on writing a book or creating a story you might need accountability, and a plan, for the long haul.

The best part of being a Book Coach is how much fun it can be for the writer and for me! I LOVE being a part of other people’s imagined worlds, and being able to guide them in a fantastic direction that really speaks to their heart and soul is totally amazing. I love weaving and reading stories, and I want everyone to feel like their writing frustrations are no match for them!

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I do all the editing, researching, rewording, and creating on my own, and I go to a writing group to work out the kinks: why would I need a Book Coach?

Getting a Book Coach can save years of frustration, heartache, and feelings of failure when writing, whether it be for professionals who have published before, or for writers who are newer to the field. A Book Coach specializes in the world of books, in marketing, in story, and has the added benefit of being one on one, really in it with you and your project for the long haul, rather than you slinging it out on your own or relying on people who don’t necessarily understand story from a wholistic perspective. Book Coaches are trained in understanding how to process and disseminate problems of writing, whether that be hitting blocks or being unable to work around a character flaw, and can also pick out the nuances of your work specifically, giving you the tools to be able to write more efficiently, effectively, and lovingly towards your work. Book Coaches are also the ultimate accountability partners! We’re here to help when self imposed deadlines just aren’t holding up, or when doubt keeps you from revising a draft that’s been gathering dust for ten years in your computer files. 

It requires a lot of hard work, getting comfortable with your inner self, evaluating why you want to write your book and so on. Yet, when you’re really going for it and pushing yourself to succeed I can tell you it feels completely amazing. I have found so much freedom in having someone (who knew exactly how to navigate the field) steer me in the right direction with my writing. I finally felt like I wasn’t hacking away at an endless tunnel with a tooth pick. Instead, I had a helpful stranger with a shovel, a lantern, and a can-do attitude lead the way. 

Are there guarantees when it comes to Book Coaching? Will my book for sure be published if I work with one?

There are no guarantees in anything, especially not the publishing world.

What a Book Coach does can prepare your work for publication, like a resume writer prepares a resume for a job, but cannot guarantee the potential employee can get that job. There is so much surrounding luck, timing, mass audience appeal and so on that a phenomenal book may never be published, and a mediocre book can be doing great in the marketplace. However, a Book Coach can help you feel confident in your writing skills, your books, and in your marketing strategy. That sense of clarity is so powerful, and if I had started out with a Book Coach in the beginning, I might not have been so confused and upset when doing my work alone. 

Is a Book Coach like a copy-editor or proofreader? 

A copy-editor or proofreader focuses on grammar and sentence mistakes. A Book Coach can and does focus on these elements, but is more of a developmental overseer of your writing and project as a whole rather than at the sentence level.

Does it matter what stage of the writing process I’m in?

A Book Coach can help with all  the stages of writing, whether that be developing a new idea, revising a manuscript, pitching to agents, or all three.

What if I don’t have a book idea but really want to write a book or draw a comic? 

This is actually a great time to start coaching! If you’ve always wanted to write a book/comic and have some inkling of what you would like to do, but no idea how to do it, a Book Coach can help tremendously with helping you form and execute a book.